This man recreates the most bizarre poses from video games!

PGW Hayao Min T

Video games are fantasy, you see extraordinary things happen. But have you ever wondered if the poses that some characters take are normal? replicable ? realistic ?

The Japanese named Hayao and belonging to the PGW (Pro Gamers World) team apparently decided to recreate multiple unnatural body postures with disconcerting flexibility!

He also uses many tricks such as jamming his jacket in a door, leaning against walls and many accessories.

Take a look:

PGW Hayao Sol Badguy Shared Screen
PGW Hayao Sol Badguy Shared Screen
PGW Hayao Hsien Ko Shared Screen
PGW Hayao Hsien Ko Shared Screen

The choice of poses is also quite special. It is not the most classic poses of the characters that we find. These are often transitional poses between different attacks, or insignificant poses for transitions between menus.

To see all of his work:

Source: “Min Togetter” website

X / Twitter from PGW | Hayao

Are there any poses that you would like to imitate ? Or wonder how humanly possible?

Reply in the comments!

About Marc Shakour

Former video game programmer, columnist, teacher, competitor ... Marc has always been very familiar with the world and industry of video games. He decided to help neophytes about it, to discover new universes, worlds and fantastic creatures.

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