Hogwarts Legacy, the long-awaited game of the Harry Potter franchise, is available since February 10th, 2023 on a number of platforms. Many players have already embarked on this adventure. Soon, Xbox One and Playstation 4 players will be able to enjoy it too! If you are new to the game, here are some tips to get started on the right foot.
1: Where should I spend my money?
At the beginning of the game, it will be difficult to make money, because you will have few sources of income. When you visit the shops of Hogsmeade, you will be tempted to spend your savings on various equipment or others. We advise you to spend as little as possible. You can find your own ingredients by exploring the world or fighting hostile creatures.
When you access the room on request, we advise you to save your money to spend it on spellcrafts that are very useful, but also quite expensive. The potting tables with small, large and medium pots will be the purchases of spellcrafts to be made in priority. You can then buy bags of seeds. This is a great investment, as it may seem expensive initially, but you’re only going to buy them once. So you can grow your magical plants and enjoy them at will.

2: How do I earn money?
It is often said that money is the sinews of war and this is also true in Hogwarts Legacy. Indeed, if you want to move forward in good conditions, you will need galleons!
Open chests and treasures
Chests will initially be your best source of income. In Hogwarts Legacy, they are ubiquitous in different forms. Some contain money, but also equipment. You will also find purses or large canvas bags everywhere. When you fight enemies, they will also drop some money. The chests of disillusionment that contain the most galleons are those with one eye. Indeed, they contain 500 galleons. To open them, you will need to make yourself invisible either using the disillusionment spell or the invisibility potion.

Sell your equipment
We advise you not to throw away your unnecessary equipment, but rather to resell it. You will find merchants in Hogsmeade or everywhere in the Highlands. Never hesitate to get rid of equipment, because it is a good source of income, but also, because, initially, your inventory will be quite limited, so sell them regularly.

Request rewards
When you complete a relationship quest, an option appears in the dialog allowing you to request a reward for the given service. Some characters will be reluctant, but in general, you will get extra money or equipment.

3: How can I expand my inventory with the Merlin trials?
Initially, your inventory is quite limited, which can cause you problems to progress well in the game. It is therefore essential to enlarge it. To do so, we will have to solve the different trials of Merlin that are found all over the world. You will find them on the map represented by the symbol of a sheet. First, you must unlock Merlin’s trials by completing the quest: Merlin’s Trial.
To access each event, you will need Sweet Mallow. This plant is hard to find in the world and so you will either have to buy some with a magic turnip, harvest a few from the botany greenhouse or grow it yourself. The latter option is the best, as it is more economical and will provide you with soft mallow at will. You will therefore need to have a small pot and a bag of sweet mallow seeds that you can buy with a magic turnip.

The Merlin trials are designed in the manner of riddles, and puzzles. There are a total of 95. They are all very varied, but are not very difficult to solve. Feel free to use the Revelio spell to help you or even your broom. Once a certain number of events have been completed, you will be able to expand your equipment inventory. You collect your rewards in the Sorcerer’s Guide, then the Challenges tab, and Exploration.

4: How can I move around the world?
Using Floo Powder
The map in Hogwarts Legacy is very extensive. Indeed, you will see in the map tab that there are 3. Hogwarts, Hogsmeade and the rest of the world. The game relies a lot on exploration, but it gives us some tools so that it does not become too painful. First of all, the Floo Powder. These are the different teleportation points that you will find on the map. We therefore strongly advise you to activate them all so that you can then use them. For this, you need to get to the teleportation point on your own. This point is indicated on the map by a white flame. The flame will turn green when activated and you can then use it.

Use your broom or mount

We also advise you to get a broom as soon as possible, as it will make a big difference in your exploration. To do this, you will have to advance in the main quest and participate in your first broom flying course. Then, you can go to Spintwitches Sporting Needs in Hogsmeade to buy your very first broom. It will cost you 600 galleons. You will have the choice between 5 types of brooms. They all work in the same way. Thus, it will be more of an aesthetic choice. You can then upgrade your brooms by completing the broom seller’s side quests.
Use the wizard’s Guide tracking mechanic

Despite the fact that you have a map showing you the way, it can be difficult to find your way around the school. Thus, we advise you to regularly use the tracking line that will show you the shortest path to your next goal. To access it, you will have to follow a quest in the quest menu of the Sorcerer’s Guide. Then you will only have to press the up arrow. A bright line will appear and show you the way.
5: Why is the Revelio spell useful?
You will quickly understand when playing Hogwarts Legacy that the spell you will use the most will be Revelio . This spell will indeed be very useful to you, because it will act as a radar allowing you to reveal the important and secret elements that are nearby. These items will be highlighted and the color will be different depending on the type of item: yellow (chests and treasures), red (enemies) and blue (other important items). You will also hear the sound of a bell indicating that you are near an important element. This sound will intensify as the element approaches.

It is strongly advised to use Revelio in each new place you will arrive. Indeed, this place can hide a good number of quest elements, chests or secrets and it would be a shame to miss it. Also, it will allow you to reveal if an enemy is nearby before he can spot you. You can easily bypass it or decide to fight it stealthily or head-on. This spell is also essential to reveal certain pages of the wizard’s guide, hidden all over the world.
Revelio is also very useful when exploring the world on your broom. Indeed, it will display all important places over a vast distance. These locations will then be displayed on your map and you can return whenever you want.

6: How to use your talent points?
In order to obtain talent points, you will have to increase the level of your character. From level 5, you will get 1 talent point per level reached. Initially, the talent points section will be blocked. You can only unlock it by advancing in the main quest. If you reach the maximum level, you will get a total of 35 talent points. These points will be used to obtain skills. They will be useful to improve your combat performance.

There are 5 skill types : Spells, Black Magic, Heart, Stealth and Room of Requirement. Once your points are spent, you will not be able to recover them. It is therefore essential to make wise choices and not to spend your points unnecessarily. You will have to think about choosing the skills to develop according to your style of play. For example, don’t spend points on black magic if you don’t want to practice it. It is difficult to determine which talents are the best, because it is subjective, but it is possible to share a selection that can greatly improve your playing comfort.
Increase your spell shortcuts

We advise you to increase your spell shortcuts. Indeed, initially you will only have 4 shortcuts and it can become tedious when you learn new spells. In the heart section, you will find 3 upgrades allowing you to get a total of 12 spell shortcuts.
Strengthen your Wiggenweld potions

The only ways to raise your character’s life bar are time and the Wiggenweld potion. During a fight, you will have to bet on the potion, but you will have to take several to find a maximum life bar. So it’s a good idea to spend your talent points on the enhanced Wiggenweld Potion skill found in the heart section. There are two such improvements.
Human chameleon

There are two human chameleon talents, available in the stealth section. These talents will make your life easier in some quests that require you not to be spotted, but also during certain fights. These talents will save you a lot of frustration.
Mastering incendius

The talent of Master of Incendio will be very useful to you. It can be found in the spells section. This talent will make your life easier to fight inferis or spiders.
7: How do I master the fights?
The main weapon in combat will be your wand. You will cast spells on your enemies in order to defeat them. There are 34 spells in Hogwarts Legacy and you will get them as you progress through the main quest, but also and especially by completing the teachers’ homework. So do not neglect homework and complete it as soon as possible in order to unlock new spells quickly.

The first thing to know is that some enemies are more sensitive to certain spells. For example, spiders and inferis will be sensitive to fire. We therefore advise you to learn about your enemies in the collection tab. Then, you will have to pay attention to the color of your enemy’s shield . They can only be broken with a spell of the same color or with ancient magic. We therefore advise you to have spells of different colors in your shortcuts.

Mastery of defense
It will be essential to master your protego defense spell in order to counter the attacks of your enemies. To do this, trigger the protego spell when the orange circle that surrounds your character is about to close. You can then use the expelliarmus spell to inflict damage. The defense aspect is essential, as your life bar could drop quickly. Some attacks are impossible to counter with protego. These attacks display a red circle around your character, so you will have to dodge them.

Make spell combos
Once you are a little more comfortable with your spells, we advise you to make combos during your fights. Some spell combinations will be very effective. This is the case of Levioso + Descendo, Glacius + Diffindo /Confringo. We therefore advise you to place them on the same shortcut wheel. Pairing these spells with the maxima potion will inflict even greater damage.
Betting on stealth
It is advisable when you arrive in a place where there are many enemies to bet on stealth thanks to the invisibility spell. You can stealthily place yourself behind your enemy and eliminate them with the petrificus totalus spell. This will be a huge time saver and make things easier for you.
Using potions and plants
We often tend to neglect potions and plants, but they can be very useful in a fight. Using them will allow you to protect yourself, inflict greater damage or even create diversions.

Use your equipment
Equipment is also a parameter not to be neglected in combat. Indeed, equipment allows you to improve your offensive and defensive skills. We, therefore, advise you to replace them as soon as you find equipment with better features and then sell those you no longer use. You can then increase the level of your equipment and even assign them one or more attributes depending on the type of equipment. These attributes will allow you to increase the effectiveness of certain spells or better protect yourself against certain types of enemies.