Once A Tale is a game inspired by several fairy tales, including the German fairy tale “Hansel and Gretel” by the Brothers Grimm. To create his game, Vincent Presseau, the founder of the Carcajou studio, created puppets that he then digitized to transcribe a particular aesthetic to his production, similar to that of old children’s books.
So the Carcajou team began documenting the creative process in a series of videos:
After multiple trials and many years of development, Carcajou has finally announced a release date for its game… or a month in any case, it will be for March 2024.
For the first time publicly, Once A Tale is available as a demo, outside of video game conventions, on Steam.
So you can try the demo here on Steam PC while you wait for the release.
Note that the game was co-made with the game studio, Triple Boris.
More details about the game can be found on our page.
To keep up to date with all the latest news about the game, check out the game’s Linktree.