Review: Shift 87 explained to parents

shift87 featured ecranpartage

What parents need to know

Shift 87 is a short, first-person psychological horror observational game. The player embodies a character who shows up for their shift in a dreamlike world. The character has no weapons or armor and has a strange one-button device as their only accessory. The goal is simple; The character is tasked with moving around a small linear environment (a hallway, for example) and memorizing all the details. At the end of the level, the player passes through a door and the level repeats. The protagonist must then put their observation skills to the test because even though the level may seem identical, some small (or large) anomalies may be present. Any abnormal level must be reported by pressing the button on the device. Anomalies are randomly generated and there may be no anomalies in a level. During a game, the player goes through three different environments. The first environment is the corridor of an office building at the end of which there is an elevator. The second environment is a television manufacturing plant leading to a door to the warehouse. The third environment is an outdoor parking lot leading to a gas station. Each shift requires that the player visits these 3 environments in that order, and they are revisited until all anomalies are found. Each environment has 22 different anomalous levels to report, for a total of 66 anomalies to find to complete the game.

Shift 87 - Shared Screen - Between Environments
Between the factory and the gas station.

There are very few instructions, and very few control options: the character can walk, run, crouch and report anomalies with the press of a button. A supervisor reminds the player to report any anomalies each time the player moves on to the next environment, but this is the only instruction given. Here is some additional information, discovered through exploration! At the beginning of each level, the player can track their progress using two indicators: a number ranging from 0 to 6, and a number out of 22. The number from 0 to 6 represents the number of levels cleared successfully. Level 0 is the original level, which has no anomalies and defines the standards to memorize for the next levels. When the player successfully identifies an abnormal level or doesn’t report anything in a normal level, the level is considered successful, and the number increases. When the player makes a mistake, either by identifying an anomaly when there is none, or by not reporting an anomaly that is present, the counter returns to 0, and the player then revisits the original normal level in order to remember the details. After 5 successes in a row, the player moves on to the next environment. You guessed it, a game can be quite short, but if you make a lot of mistakes, it can be very long; This is why it is useful to know how this indicator works. The number out of 22 represents the number of anomalies successfully discovered. It is more than likely that not all errors will be spotted during the first shift, since after five successes in a row, the environment changes. If this is the case, the player may continue their progress by starting another game, or another ”shift”. Environments are always presented in the same order, and anomalies continue to be presented randomly until all 66 anomalies are found. If all the anomalies have been found in one of the environments, but not in the others, then the anomalies for that environment are repeated, and the player still needs to have five successes in a row to progress to the next environment. The game ends when all 66 anomalies have been reported and the player reaches the end of the third environment. Some anomalies are harder to spot; For example, an element of the décor that is a different color. Of course, this is a horror game, so some anomalies can be scary or confusing. However, the game does not allow for combat of any kind, and does not require any defense. All you have to do is observe and report anomalies… and keep your cool.

Between the office building and the TV factory.


Release date: 23 July 2024
Developer: Pixelsplit
Publisher: Daedalic Entertainment
Available on: Steam PC
Available format: Digital
Version tested: Steam PC

Game genre: Observation, horror
Themes covered: Observation, horror, mystery
Duration of a game: Approximately 45 minutes
Duration of the main game/story: Approximately 3 hours
Total time to complete everything: 3 heures

Text languages: English,
Voice languages: English,

Number of local players: 1

Level of experience required

Age 3+ 7+ 12+ 16+ 18+

The game is scary and there may be morbid themes or suggested morbidity. However, there is no violence, and no blood.

No nudity.

There are no texts to read and the very short dialogue at the beginning of each level is simple and easy to understand.

The game requires controlling a 3D camera and knowing how to move around a 3D environment in order to explore and observe details, but there is no combat and no time limit to complete a level, allowing the player to explore at their own pace.

Local game modes

There is only one game mode, which is offline and single-player (START SHIFT).

Online Game Modes


Expansions/Add-ons (DLC)


Our opinion

Shift 87 is a great success in our opinion. It’s a short game (we completed it in 2 hours and 30 minutes), but it is efficient. Everything is very well optimized; Since the levels are very small, the game can afford to look good without being heavy. The repetition of levels, the feeling of loneliness, the soundtrack — all these elements are used masterfully and inevitably lead to cold sweats. Even if we know that the character is being monitored in their task (they are, after all, at work) and that we won’t have to face enemies since the controls don’t allow it, we can’t help but feel a growing discomfort. The repetition and the feeling of security do nothing to soothe the player, which is surprising and remarkable. Rather, the repetition of the levels tends to lull our senses and give us a false sense of confidence, which is quickly shaken when the scarier anomalies appear. As it is an observation game, scrutinizing every corner of the levels is required, which adds to the level of discomfort, since some anomalies are well hidden, while others are… on the move. Some only appear when we turn around, which sometimes causes us to doubt and retrace our steps, even if our survival instinct is screaming at us to leave! Shift 87 is a scary little horror game that will make you shudder, that’s for sure! If you like observation games and mysterious atmospheres, this game is for you.

Anomalie dans la station service
Anomaly in the gas station.

*This game has been provided to us for review purposes, but this does not influence our opinion.*

All screenshots by Myriam Baulne (Steam ID: ComeToMomma)


About Myriam Baulne

Traductrice agréée aussi détentrice d'un DEC en animation 3D et synthèse d'images, Myriam est constamment à la recherche d'opportunités afin d'allier ses passions pour les jeux vidéo, les TTRPG et la rédaction. Armée d'un solide bagage journalistique, elle est outillée pour vous rapporter toute l'actualité et l'information sur vos jeux favoris.

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