What is UX? How do you make it your job? – Interview with Celia Hodent, UX Strategist

Entrevue Celia Hodent Ecran Partage
Entrevue Celia Hodent Ecran Partage

In the world of video games, the abbreviation UX is used to designate the “User Experience” in English, or the user experience. User experience is a new field of expertise among video game professionals. It consists in ensuring that the player/user is an enjoyable experience, that he understands and in which he can progress.


For the occasion, UX strategist Celia Hodent, who has worked on many big-budget games: Rainbow Six, Fortnite, Starwars 1313, gave us her time to explain what it is about in more detail:

00:00:00 – Introduction
00:01:27 – What is UX?
00:03:49 – The different UX roles
00:08:38 – The role of the UX researcher
00:13:40 – How to design in UX?
00:16:59 – What is friction in UX?
00:22:15 – Is there a standard way to design UX?
00:26:49 – How to become an ergonomist and what are the limits of the human?
00:38:37 – The place of UX designers in gaming teams and Celia’s current work
00:45:15 – Screens and children
01:05:00 – ethicalgames.org and experience of industry professionals
01:09:00 – The place of women in industry
01:12:00 – What games for autistic people and people with ADHD
01:14:00 – Is the danger of games exaggerated by the media?
01:18:00 – Who to consult in case of problems?
01:19:00 – Celia’s books
01:24:35 – How to follow Celia’s news

Where can I find Celia Hodent?

Find Celia Hodent on her official website (CeliaHodent.com).

Her initiative EthicalGames.org for more ethical games.

And follow his news on the social networks of your choice: Twitter, YouTube

Get your books:

For those who want to better understand video games

The Psychology of Video Games

To discover the User Experience (UX):

What UX is Really About: Introducing a Mindset for Great Experiences:

For people who work in video games and want to better understand UX:

In the Gamer’s Brain :

The Gamer’s Brain: How Neuroscience and UX Can Impact Video Game Design :

About Marc Shakour

Former video game programmer, columnist, teacher, competitor ... Marc has always been very familiar with the world and industry of video games. He decided to help neophytes about it, to discover new universes, worlds and fantastic creatures.

View all posts by Marc Shakour

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