Contra Operation Galuga is the latest installment in the Contra series, a series where you play as military personnel Lance and Bill and move forward by shooting at everything that moves. This kind of game is commonly referred to as run’n gun.
The series of games from the publisher Konami is a classic in history even if the quality of the titles that have been released over the years varies greatly.
Operation Galuga is powered by WayForward. If the last Contra Rogue Corps title received such bad reviews that I didn’t deign to come close to it, I was curious to see what Operation Galuga was like.
Well, it’s very pleasing. It’s well done, done. We have the choice between several characters including the famous Bill and Lance but also their historical robot versions, the Probotector (inherited from the censorship of titles on European soil in the 90s) and new characters.
You can choose a few bonuses, and off you go in 2D level sequences, like at the beginning of the series.
It plays very well, it’s really nice to control, you can shoot in all directions, the first level is very nice too.
There are several difficulty options. You can switch to Easy mode very easily, and the Normal level is already tougher:
It is possible to play with 2 players in Story mode, and up to 4 simultaneously in Arcade mode.
Contra seems to be the ultimate multiplayer game. And the demo seems to presage a good title, difficult but enjoyable.
Critics seem to agree on this last point.