Handheld LAN event (Nintendo Switch) in Montreal?

Switch In Paris Screenshot

Would you like to play Mario Party with others? Bomberman? Super Smash Bros Ultimate? Mario Kart?

Trading Pokémon?

Finding the imposter in Among Us?

Chase ghosts for up to 8 players in Luigi’s Mansion 3?

Defeat Diablo for the umpteenth time in 4-player co-op?

Annoying humans with a cozying goose in Untitled Goose Game?

Compete or cooperate with other Squids in Splatoon?

Want to frag humans in person in Doom? Quake? Duke Nukem 3D?

On the same model as Switch in Paris, Shared Screen would like to gauge interest in starting a similar event in Montreal, QC, Canada.

The principle is simple: bring your Nintendo Switch, cartridges, batteries and play with the people present in WAN!

The meetings can take place indoors or outdoors depending on the temperature of the day.

We prioritize fair play players who respect their teammates or opponents during video game games.

Shared Screen Inc. is committed to providing a safe space for all event participants. We have a zero-tolerance policy: no form of harassment, discrimination or violence will be tolerated.

To participate, register here:

Sign up below to be notified of the next in-person video game event.

The dates and locations of the event will be announced when there are enough registrants.

Photo of Switch In Paris used for illustration purposes only

About Marc Shakour

Former video game programmer, columnist, teacher, competitor ... Marc has always been very familiar with the world and industry of video games. He decided to help neophytes about it, to discover new universes, worlds and fantastic creatures.

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