Explore a vast and intriguing underwater world on Planet 4546B. Play as scientist Robin Ayou in this all-new installment in the Subnautica series. Taking place two years after the original title, Subnautica Below Zero will plunge you into an unknown and vast world.
Release date: 14 May 2021 Developed by: Unknown Worlds Entertainment Published by: Unknown Worlds Entertainment Platforms: Playstation 4, Playstation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series S/X Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch Lite, Microsoft Windows, Steam Type of game: Action, Adventure, Survival Average game time: 20 minutes Total play time: About 30 hours Topics: Exploration, Action, Adventure, Survival Business model: Just need to buy the game once. Number of players:1 player Available in physical (cartouche or blu-ray) or digital (download on the console) |
Possible configurations of the Nintendo Switch:
Players | 3+ | 7+ | 12+ | 16+ | 18+ |
Neophytes | |||||
Intermediate | |||||
Experienced |
There are various difficulty modes in order to get through the game. You can choose very difficult modes such as easier modes that will focus on exploration.
Violence, fear, nudity?
The violence in this game is fantastic and the violence is lively too. There is no bloodshed, or graphic violence, but creatures can bite or attack you in this futuristic universe.
Language level used
The language is slightly coarse and has a few adult references. Otherwise, it remains standard.
Positive message
The world is vast and large underwater and encourages great exploration.
Minimum reading level required
Requires reading for years. There is a lot of text, whether it’s to tell the story or to give the goals of the quests.
Additional costs ?
Subnautica Below Zero was first announced as an extension to the original title of Subnautica and then became a title in itself. It has no announced extension for this game.
Minimum level of execution on the controller required
The game is played very well and can be easily learned after a while.
Principle of the game
Taking place two years after the original title, Subnautica Below Zero allows players to dive into a whole new adventure. As a scientist who investigates past events earlier, the player will have to explore the environment, collect materials and fight in order to survive in the hostile environment of planet 4546B.
The goal of the game is to recover materials in order to repair your ship. You will have to explore the different seabed in order to recover them. These pieces will allow you to create a base and equipment that will allow you to continue your exploration.
Online gaming modes
This game is played alone.
Fans were eagerly awaiting a sequel to Subnautica and Unknown Worlds Entertainment was able to meet their expectations. First presented as an extension, the creators preferred to release a complete game that can be added to the main story. This is a great game for survival and exploration enthusiasts.
More information about the game: Official game page on the Unknown Worlds Entertainment website