Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess: Our impressions of the demo

Kunitsu Gami Key Art Shared Screen

Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess is a new title from Capcom. Strongly inspired by Japanese folklore, Kunitsu-Gami offers players the opportunity to play as a ninja who moves through a forest and can slice through these enemies with a sword. He must escort a goddess from point A to point B by creating a path for her to move on.

The game mixes Onimusha, Pikmin and Tower Defense. It takes place in 2 phases.

By day, you progress the goddess along the path, recruit villagers to assign a role and position them in the level, and collect all the bonuses scattered around to improve your team’s skills.

At night, you defend the goddess, who remains frozen in her last position, against the demons that suddenly appear. You can then slice the demons yourself with your character and be supported by the villagers you have recruited.

Villagers can have very classic roles such as melee attacker, ranged, healer, tank, support with attack upgrade.

Kunitsu-Gami is a very good surprise. I didn’t expect it to be so successful and enjoyable to play. We take pleasure in defending the goddess, accumulating and building resources. The universe didn’t seem to appeal to me at first, but playing it really convinced me.

Very good idea that this demo. I rarely spend so much time on a demo, but this obviously makes you want more, and I think the game is a little cheaper than a full-price title.

Try it!

It’s really nice to see Capcom succeed in so many titles lately.

About Marc Shakour

Former video game programmer, columnist, teacher, competitor ... Marc has always been very familiar with the world and industry of video games. He decided to help neophytes about it, to discover new universes, worlds and fantastic creatures.

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