Promenade: Our impressions of the demo

Promenade Key Art Game Shared Screen

Promenade is a 2D platformer where the character can grab objects or enemies, place them above his head, and use them to jump a second time, throw them, or activate mechanisms.

Yes, this is totally the mechanics of Klonoa, Bandai Namco’s famous platformer series started in 1997, but the creators of Promenade said that they were not aware of this until they released the game.

The jumps in Promenade are as frustrating as they are in Klonoa, because the developers want to encourage players to double-jump with an enemy constantly.

The art direction is great, but I’m more used to Klonoa’s which uses more bright colors. As you’ll see in the video, I was often lost in environments, and this discouraged me. I didn’t understand the objectives in the second part of the demo. I’m sure that the game can appeal to many people, but it’s not for me.

About Marc Shakour

Former video game programmer, columnist, teacher, competitor ... Marc has always been very familiar with the world and industry of video games. He decided to help neophytes about it, to discover new universes, worlds and fantastic creatures.

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