Which Kirby game to choose on Nintendo Switch?

Kirby Birthday Featured Ecran Partage
Kirby Birthday Featured Ecran Partage

Started in 1987, the Kirby series quickly became one of the main mascots of the Nintendo universe. Starting from several 2D platform games, where Kirby, a pink ball with a face and feet, could jump, fly through the air and absorb enemies in order to acquire their powers. Nintendo then experimented with his transformable and malleable character in many genres. Thus, games of skill, puzzle, and even combat appeared featuring Kirby and his universe.

Nowadays, Nintendo continues to manipulate its character like modeling clay, for the pleasure of young and old.

Here are the games featuring the pink ball released on Nintendo Switch to date.

The article is subject to updates, as and when released.

The set of Kirby games is suitable for all audiences. I’ve been playing it personally since I was a child.

Some have a lot of text for instructions, and require reading skills though.

Kirby and the Forgotten Land (2022)

A fantastic 3D platformer, very well calculated and executed. The game is playable with 2 players, but the second player/character is a support to Kirby and does not have access to multiple powers. Some challenges and obstacles towards the end of the game become particularly difficult.

A demo is available online if you want to make up your mind.

More details in our full review here.

Playable from 1 to 2 players.

Kirby Fighters 2 (2020)

A 2D fighting game featuring 4 characters competing simultaneously on platforms. Many variations of Kirby are available as well as other characters from the universe, for a total of 22 characters.

Unfortunately, the online game mode is of poor quality and you will be entitled to many slowdowns.

A demo is available online if you want to make up your mind.

Playable from 1 to 4 players. Playable online against 3 opponents at a distance.

Kirby’s Dream Buffet (2022)

A racing game featuring multiple versions of Kirby in pastry-based environments. Very entertaining, especially in multiplayer. The game does not seem to have marked the spirits.

Playable from 1 to 2 players locally.

Playable from 1 to 4 players online.

Kirby’s Return to Dream Land Deluxe (2023)

A remake of Kirby’s Return to Dream Land released for the Nintendo Wii in 2011. Kirby’s Return to Dream Land was excellent on Wii, there’s no reason that should change. It is a 2D platformer playable up to 4 players. In this version, there is an additional mode where you play as Magolor. More information in the trailer below.

A demo is available online if you want to make up your mind.

More details in our full review here.

Playable from 1 to 4 players.

Kirby Star Allies (2018)

A great 2D platformer playable up to 4 players, ideal for starting video games. Kirby can turn his enemies into allies with the power of the heart. He can then combine each other’s powers to defeat enemies and solve puzzles.

A demo is available online if you want to make up your mind.

More details here in our full review.

Playable from 1 to 4 players.

Super Kirby Clash (2019)

An action, platform and action game where you embody the Kirby of your choice by giving him a role. You will then face one or more bosses per level, teaming up with up to 3 other Kirbys. The goal is of course to take complementary roles to fill the strengths and weaknesses of each, and to improve as and when his own Kirby.

If it is pretty and well done, it is also intended to slow down more and more the progress of the player as he goes, unless he buys “apple rubies” online to continue the adventure. For this reason we do not recommend it.

Super Kirby Clash is an enhanced version of Team Kirby Clash Deluxe that was released in 2017 for Nintendo 3DS.

The game is free to download and play here, if you want to have a try.

Playable with 1 to 4 players locally.

Playable with 1 to 4 players online.

Which Kirby game to choose?

Kirby and the Forgotten Land and Kirby’s Return to Dream Land Deluxe are great games. In the same genre Kirby Star Allies is very good too, but too easy for the most experienced players.

To start playing video games, Kirby Star Allies and Kirby’s Return to Dream Land Deluxe are ideal.

The other games are nice but to be reserved for the most assiduous fans of the pink ball.

I don’t recommend Super Kirby Clash as it is designed to frustrate players and push them to spend money.

Featured Image credits, Kirby Japan’s Twitter for Kirby’s 30th birthday.

About Marc Shakour

Former video game programmer, columnist, teacher, competitor ... Marc has always been very familiar with the world and industry of video games. He decided to help neophytes about it, to discover new universes, worlds and fantastic creatures.

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